Madre Raffaella e suor Scolastica, con le Sorelle delle tre comunità, hanno partecipato alla celebrazione e alla festa preparate da tutti i componenti della Clinica in Kingeero, con suor Abrehet e le suore, postulanti e aspiranti.
È stata una celebrazione molto partecipata da tutti, al di là della propria fede, e il Parroco, che ha presieduto la celebrazione, ha invitato a proseguire il proprio servizio, con la passione e la cura che sant’Angela ha insegnato alle sue Figlie.
Madre Raffaella, in conclusione della celebrazione eucaristica, ha ringraziato per la preziosa collaborazione e la dedizione con cui il personale lavora nella clinica, augurando di tenere presente l’importanza che ogni persona ha e la premura a rispondere alle sue esigenze.
La festa è proseguita presso i locali della clinica e lo Staff  desidera condividere con tutte le Orsoline la loro festa, inviando quanto segue….



The feast of St. Angela Merici celebrated on 27th January 2023 at Orsoline Sisters Community in Nairobi, Kenya.

The feast preparation started days earlier so as to make the special day a successful one. The staffs had gathered with Sr. Florence of Orsoline of I.V.M who gave us a speech about the inspiring life of St. Angela Merici.
On the Feast Day, the programme started with Holy Mass celebrated by Father in charge- Fr. Paul of Holy Eucharist Parish Kingeero. The mass was attended by Sisters, Postulants, Aspirants, St. Angela Staffs and other invited guests. During the celebration, everyone sang beautiful which made the event more meaningful. After mass we were led to the facility where Fr. Paul blessed the Institution.
Not forgetting, the feast day came with more blessings for having the presence of Mother Superior General of Orsoline Sisters of I.V.M – Mother Rafaella Pedrini accompanied by Sr. Ann Valli from Italy.
We gathered for a photo session which was the best as we matched with our uniform which was sponsored by our Hospital Administrator- Sr. Abrehet Rufael. After photo session, staffs, Sisters and other guests gathered for a get-together with lots of refreshments and soft music. We also offered snacks to our patients to celebrate with us.
It was a delightful and successful event. We learnt to put into practice the core values and virtues of St. Angela Merici. The event created cohesion and capacity building across the community. We are all grateful to Mother Rafaella Pedrini and Sr. Ann Valli for visiting us and being part of this celebration. Also, much Thanks to everyone for sharing a glimpse and thoughts of this special day.
We request for your prayers as we continue to handle our patients and everyone we meet in this care ministry so that we may be more kind, gentle and compassionate towards their lifes.

Clicca qui di seguito per vedere i vari momenti della festa: Feast day report 2023